Far Infrared for Muscle Spasms & Pain Reduction

A big problem when you injure yourself is that commonly your muscles will go into spasm to protect the area of damage. However the spasm will reduce blood supply in the area ironically where you actually need mor blood to flow to help repair the damage.

April 18, 2018

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Far Infrared for Pain Relief- the Exercise Effect

When you are in pain the challenge can be that you cannot exercise. The Far Infrared Light Therapy helps increase circulation sufficiently to release muscle spasms and flush pain inducing metabolic waste and inflammatory substances out of the body.

April 18, 2018

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Far Infrared for Pain from Nerve Damage

Where there is nerve damage and pain, commonly the blood vessels serving the nerves have been damaged. Where this is the case this can lead to degeneration and damage of the nerves and ultimately pain can result.

April 18, 2018

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